Theses and post-doctorates from projects funded by the Agroecology and Digital Technologies programme

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Socio-ecosystem - Schaping a socio-ecosystem conducive to responsible research and innovation


COBREEDING : Co-design of animal and plant breeding schemes to enhance multiperformance (economic, social, and environmental) and develop agroecological productions.



Virgilio Freitas (INRAE, UMR 0320 - GQE – DEAP) : Quantification of phenotypic plasticity in biomass production and allocation in cereal-legume mixtures at high spatio-temporal resolution using drones.


Philippine Coeugnet (INRAE, UMR 1326 - LISIS) : Innovation for agroecological transition in animal and plant breeding: analysis and support of co-design processes and systems.

Henri Lagarde (INRAE, UMR 1313 - GABI - G2B) : Designing breakthrough cattle breeding programs to support the sector's evolution over the next 20 years.

Minh-Lien Nguyen (INRAE, UMR 1404 - MaIAGE – Dynenvie) : Multi-criteria optimization and estimation in the presence of uncertainty. Application to the selection of multi-performance plant varieties in the presence of environmental variability.


CoEDiTAg : Co-evolution of equipment, digital technologies, and agroecological models.



Nouria Compaore (INRAE, UMR 1273 – Territoires) : Precision technologies, supporting the agroecological transition and improving working conditions for workers in livestock farms?

Alban Cornier (INRAE, UMR 5211 - CEE-M) : The role of behavioral factors in the adoption and diffusion of digital innovations among farmers.

Guillaume Panas (INRAE, UMR 0951 - Innovation – SIRA) : Digital platforms and access to agricultural equipment in family farms in Mexico.

Laura Eline Slot (INRAE, UMR 1110 - MoISA – OSA) : New business models for a co-evolution of agroecological and circular digital trajectories.


Research project awarded in the 2023 call for projects.

Thèse - Elisa Deschamps (INRAE, UMR SELMET) : Development of a decision support tool to optimize the grazing of spontaneous vegetation based on a functional classification of pastoral resources.


Research projects awarded in the 2024 call for projects.

Thèse - Louise Ardoint (INRAE, UPR Écodéveloppement) : Farmers and social media: animating online communities to build trust and support the development of agroecology.

Thèse - Pablo Yepes Ilano (INRAE, UMR Agronomie) : Insurability of the agroecological transition in the context of climate change.

Postdoctorat - Jeanne Oui (INRAE, UMR LISIS) : Digital traceability and logistics work for the agroecological transition of cereals.


Genetic resources - Characterizing genetic resources to assess their potential for agroecology


AgroDiv : Genomic and functional characterization of the diversity of domestic plants and animals as a cornerstone of agroecology: from genome to phenotype.



Siegfried Dubois (INRAE, UMR 1388 - GenPhySe - Cytogene) : Methodological Developments for Studying Genetic Variability in Animal Populations.

Nina Marthe (IRD, UMR 233 - DIADE - Dynadiv) : Annotation of pangenome graphs.

Jeong Ko (INRAE, UMR 0875 - MIA-T – SaAB) : Integration of large-scale paired multi-omics data.

Arthur Durante (INRAE, UMR 1388 - GenPhySe – GENEPI) : Adapting pig farming to climate change - evaluating the molecular architecture of heat adaptation through sequencing and epigenotyping.


HOLOBIONTS : Animal holobionts - a new biological scale to explore genetic diversity and refine selection strategies in agroecology.



Solène Pety (INRAE, UMR 1313 - GABI – GiBBs) : Hologenomic methods to include host microbiota in genetic evaluations.


Research projects awarded in the 2023 call for projects.

Thèse - Noémien Maillard (INRAE, UMR 1388 GenPhySE) : EAGLE - Artificial Intelligence for Translational Genetics in Agronomy.

Thèse - Maxime Criado (INRAE, GQE) : Building a bioinformatics pipeline to predict the genomic shift of cultivated and wild fruit trees in response to climate change.

Research project awarded in the 2024 call for projects.

Postdoctorat - Marion Naveau (Université de Rennes, UMR IRMAR) : Causality models and omics data integration to identify determinants of microbiome recruitment by plants.


Agricultural equipment - Designing new generations of agricultural equipment


WAIT4 : Animal welfare: AI and technologies to assess relevant traits for animals facing the challenges of agroecological transition.



Sarah Mauny (INRAE, UMR 0791 – MoSAR) : DigitWelfare - a hybrid modeling approach to characterize the activity profiles of dairy goats associated with welfare.

Adèle Denis ( INRAE, UMR 1348 PEGASE) : Automated detection and analysis of behaviors among piglets using artificial intelligence.

Joseph Allyndrée (INRAE, UMR 1300 – Bioepar) : Development of methods to characterize cattle behavior and social interactions.
Lucie Lepetit (Inria, LACODAM) : Data mining approach for automatic discovery of livestock behavior concerning animal welfare.



Lucile Riaboff (INRAE, UMR 1388 - GenPhySe) : Using accelerometers and artificial intelligence methods to assess sheep welfare in pasture.
Lydiane Aubé (INRAE, UMR 1213 - Herbivores) : Electrochemical sensors for monitoring animal physiology and improving their welfare.
Mathile Valenchon (INRAE, UMR 0085 - RPC) : Behaviors of dairy goats in an enriched environment: Behavioral signatures associated with improved welfare through sensor data and machine learning analysis.
Alessio Ragno (INSA, DM2L) : Characterization of animal activities and their social interactions using interpretable graph neural networks.
Vincent Elouan (INSA, DM2L) : Self-supervised learning on heterogeneous graphs: Contribution to the analysis of animal behaviors and social dynamics.
Laurabelle Gautier (CEA-Leti) : Electrochemical sensors for monitoring animal physiology and improving their welfare.


Data processing and modeling - Developing digital tools and methods for data processing and modeling in agriculture, for agroequipment, and for decision support


MISTIC : Microbiomes of cultivated plants and information & communication technologies (ICT).



Nicolas Maurice (Inria, GenScale) : Sequence algorithmics for genome reconstruction from complex metagenomic data.

Sthyve Tatho (INRAE, UMR BioGeCo - Pleiade) : Integration of multi-omic data for analyzing the dynamics of microbial communities in plant health.


Belliardo Carole (INRAE, UMR 1356 - ISA - GAME) : Assembly and annotation of genomes from soil metagenomic data.


Pl@ntAgroEco : New perspectives on plant disease characterization and species associations based on deep learning and citizen science.



Jules Vandeputte (Inria) : Plant disease identification based on deep learning.


MELICERTES : Modeling the states and dynamics of ecosystems - applications to carbon fluxes and stocks in ecosystems modified by agricultural activities.



Valentine Sollier (INRAE, UMR 1391 – ISPA) : Resilience of forest agroecosystems on the pacific slope of ecuador: impact of climate change and ENSO extreme events, coupled remote sensing and modeling approach.


Research projects awarded in the 2023 call for projects.

Thèse - Yuan Gao (INRAE, SophiaAgroBioTech) : Use of multiple object tracking and subject re-identification to elucidate group dynamics and interactions among Insects.

Postdoctorat - Yves Fotso Fotso (INRAE, IGEPP) : Modeling the dynamics of potato cyst nematodes to optimize trap plant utilization.

Research projects awarded in the 2024 call for projects.

Thèse - Gandeel Loaï (Université de Montpellier & CNRS, UMR LIRMM) : RootSystemTracker : Automatic methods for spatio-temporal reconstruction of root architecture using AI for agroecological system design.

Postdoctorat - Meije Gawinowski (INRAE, UMR ECOSYS) : Meta-modeling of FSPM models for studying plant-plant interactions in rapeseed-field bean associations: from plant to plot.