Bandeau WAIT4


Artificial intelligence and new technologies for assessing relevant animal welfare indicators in the face of agroecological transition challenges

Improving animal welfare is a key element of the sustainability of animal production systems. The agroecological transition of these systems will have significant impacts on animal welfare, with expected positive effects as well as specific vulnerabilities. To facilitate an agroecological transition of livestock systems that ensures animal welfare, it is essential to develop new tools for assessing animal welfare and decision support. Improvement strategies depend on the precise understanding and evaluation of the physiological and behavioral dimensions of animal welfare, as well as the perception that each animal has of its environment.

The WAIT4 project will leverage new opportunities offered by digital technologies to measure the various components of animal welfare in real-time and implement new artificial intelligence approaches to integrate the large volumes of heterogeneous data collected through these devices. To achieve this, the project is organized into 5 work axis:

  • Test and develop equipment and sensors to assess animal behaviors, physiological constants, and emotions ;
  • Develop artificial intelligence algorithms to integrate this heterogeneous data in terms of nature and temporality, and extract relevant indicators (proxies) of animal welfare ;
  • Provide real-time monitoring of changes in these proxies for different species (pigs, small and large ruminants) raised indoors or outdoors (grazing), in conventional or alternative systems (organic farming, agropastoralism), and in contrasting environmental contexts (tropical or metropolitan climate uncertainties) ;
  • Identify early warning signals (early deviations) of changes in animal welfare and health ;
  • Foster dialogue and cross-disciplinary collaboration between scientists with different expertise (from ethology to data science) and stakeholders to facilitate the adoption and dissemination of results.

The project's ambition is to go beyond traditional approaches to the study of animal welfare by adopting a holistic approach that better considers the various components of animal welfare and their interactions in the context of the agroecological transition of livestock systems under the constraint of climate change. It will generate new knowledge and develop proxies to better measure animal welfare for each animal within its group, ranging from a few days to several months, and even to the effects of seasons in an agroecological perspective. This will lead to the design of tools for measuring and improving animal welfare. The results will, among other things, contribute to proposing individual or group rearing practices, refining animal welfare assessment grids, and assisting in the definition of selection schemes to accelerate the agroecological transition.

The WAIT4 project brings together a consortium of French research and educational institutes (INRAE, CEA, INRIA/Université Rennes 1, INSA), a living lab (LIT Ouesterel), and a small enterprise (AIHERD). This diversity of actors represents expertise in electrochemistry, physiology, ethology, precision agriculture, data science, and data mining.





HAL : Dernières publications

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    [...] (Florence Gondret) 12 Dec 2023
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  • [hal-04491915] Automatic characterisation of goat behaviours using accelerometers and Artificial Intelligence

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  • [hal-03979481] WAIT4: Welfare: Artificial Intelligence and new Technologies for Tracking key indicator Traits in animals facing challenges of the agroecological Transition

    [...] (Florence Gondret) 08 Feb 2023
  • [hal-04579816] Monitorer la physiologie animale par les outils connectés: mythe ou réalité ?

    [...] (Florence Gondret) 18 May 2024
  • [hal-04438889] Concevoir les nouvelles générations des agroéquipements

    La transition agroécologique a des impacts majeurs sur le bien-être animal avec des effets positifs attendus mais génère aussi des vulnérabilités spécifiques liées à des environnements d’élevage plus fluctuants en raison du changement climatique. Les technologies numériques offrent de nouvelles opportunités pour mesurer les composantes du bien-être animal en temps réel. (Florence Gondret) 05 Feb 2024
  • [hal-04337081] Le concept de « jumeau numérique » au service d’élevages durables, Où en est on à INRAE et pour quels objectifs pour l’animal et les systèmes d’élevage ?

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  • [hal-04337059] WAIT4, An example of a new collaborative project addressing the assessment, evaluation and improvement of animal welfare, under the French Research Priority Policy for new equipment and programs in Agroecology and ICT

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Modification date: 12 August 2024 | Publication date: 06 September 2023 | By: AgroEcoNum