The doctorate & postdoctorate calls for projects

The Agroecology and Digital technology research programme will offer annual funding for at least six doctoral and postdoctoral contracts from 2023 to 2027.

The Agroecology and Digital technology research programme will offer annual funding for at least six doctoral and postdoctoral contracts from 2023 to 2027. Doctoral contracts will have a duration of three years, while postdoctoral contracts will have a duration of two years.

This call for projects targets multidisciplinary and exploratory research topics.

Candidates must be co-supervised by at least two scientists from distinct communities closely linking agroecology and digital aspects. Co-supervision by two individuals affiliated with the same research unit (or research team) will not be eligible.

The programme provides funding for the salary of the awardees for the duration of the doctoral contract (36 months) or postdoctoral contract (24 months).

The next call will open in spring 2025.

In this folder

The call for projects to fund doctoral theses and postdoctoral contracts was open from March to May 2024. During this first round, the 25 submitted applications were of excellent quality, and after reviews and interviews, the scientific council selected 3 thesis projects and 3 postdoctoral projects. The Agroecology and Digital Research Programme will offer funding each year from 2023 to 2027 for 6 thesis and postdoctoral contracts, with a duration of 3 years for the theses and 2 years for the postdoctoral contracts

The Agroecology and Digital technology research programme will offer annual funding for up to six doctoral and postdoctoral contracts from 2023 to 2027. Doctoral contracts will have a duration of 3 years, while postdoctoral contracts will have a duration of 2 years.